Ladies who lunch support palliative care charity

The presentation of the Dragonfly donation. From the left: Christine Salem, Isla Munro (Dragonfly Agency), Dr Pamela Levack, Dr Gordon Paterson, Vicky Grant (Dragonfly Agency), Muriel Scotchmere, Helen Legge.

Fifty ladies from the Borders and further afield met for lunch on Friday 7 December to raise funds to support the work of the charity PATCH (Palliation and the Caring Hospital).

The event, at the Hoebridge Inn, Gattonside, was a great success and raised £2,330. This sum included a very generous donation of £1,500 from the Dragonfly Agency, Edinburgh who, for the third year in succession have met all the costs of production of the PATCH Christmas card.  

PATCH is supporting a range of projects across Scotland including established partnership working with colleagues in NHS Borders to ensure quality palliative and end of life care.